Bumper to Bumper 

to Bumper to Bumper

About Bumper
to Bumper

My podcast DRIVE ON is a true “Bumper-to-Bumper" - not just because of the obvious car reference. When people are bumper-to-bumper - just like cars in a traffic jam - they are very close to one another. And in the conversations I have with my amazing guests that's exactly what I want to achieve: getting close, getting to know them a bit better.

They’re getting close with me, but especially with you. We car enthusiasts share this passion, not only for the car itself but for everything they bring into our lives. Driving connects us to the people and to the places we love. It's not a means to an end, it is an end to itself.

I hope you enjoy the stories my guests have to tell as much as I do. Fasten your seat belts - and DRIVE ON!

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